Sunday, February 26, 2012

It's a Wrap!

I know most people consider that Sunday is the beginning of the week... I am not one of those people. For me, Sunday is the end of my week. Sunday is the day we go to church (which is always an adventure), we come home and we catch up on all that has happened over the last week.

As the days go by and Josh's homecoming draws closer, I get more and more excited and anxious. I feel like I am nesting because I am on a mission to complete all my unfinished projects around the house and yard... and there are a few. I just want everything to be perfect when he gets back. Not that he will care honestly... lets be real here. The man has been gone for over a year. All he is going to care about is a good meal in his belly and well you can guess the rest. (he-he) But I am an annoying woman who feels like my house must be in perfect working order before he arrives... just as I did before the arrival of all of our children.

Currently I have been working on the kid's bedroom and playroom. Cohen was in his own room and the two little ones were sharing. Then C & T decided that they wanted to share a "sleeping room" and then have a playroom. So that is exactly what they got and mama loves it! Only one room to clean up!

I have also been working on downsizing a lot of our stuff. It is so refreshing to clean out the closets that always seem to be bursting at the seams with way to much stuff for one family. So out with the old... I swear we have enough hand towels to wash everyone's hands in St. George without having to share a towel. Well we did. Now the Hope Chest does.

I made a turkey this week which turned out amazing thanks to Deana Hansler's awesome "turkey in a paper bag" trick. The kids and I named him Bernie. This may have been a bad idea because Bernie was a huge turkey who weighed about 23 lbs and I had to get C & T to help me put him into the bag. T has been traumatized since and keeps asking if I am cooking Bernie for dinner. He has told me on multiple occasions how killing Bernie wasn't nice. I may be turning my son into a vegetarian.

The Highlight Reel:
C tried to cook T eggs with about 3 cups of olive oil.
T attempted to change A's CLOTH diaper in his crib.
A has attempted to eat dog food, legos & crayons all week.

Then we have the normal stuff that keeps us busy: school (me & C), doctors (everyone it seems like), Church (all of us), Ballet (me & C) and lots and lots of playing (all of us!). We have a great time together (normally) and are seriously ready for Daddy to be back with us in all of our adventures.


  1. I love you, you busy woman!! I know what you mean about making everything perfect before he gets home!! Been there!!! *HUGS* Love you all!!

  2. Oh I know you know what that feels like! I hope you and your little family are getting settled with the new addition. and that everything is great. oh and I hope Amelie gets better. It so hard having sick babies... esp. when one really is a baby. xoxo. luvs!
