Monday, October 18, 2010

Monday Shumnday...

Last night it rained OH SO BEAUTIFULLY… I "heart" the rain! I slept with my backdoor open (which is conveniently in my room) just so that I could hear the pitter patter of the droplets falling from HEAVEN. It was wonderful. I woke up in the best mood EVER!!!

Happy Monday Everyone!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

These are a few of my favorite things...

It is midnight and I cannot sleep. So... I have compiled a list of my favorite things for this week:

1) Watching Cohen shimmie (sp?) his way up the slot canyon at the Dixie Rock Red Cliffs today like a big man.
2) Hearing my hubby tell me dinner was yummy... and mean it. (ps... I DONT COOK!)
3) My CLEANED OUT car!
4) FALL BREAK!!(need I say more?)
5) Yard Sales... especially when its a moving sale and the owner worked at urban renewal! I totally scored big on that one! (pictures to follow soon)
6) Ashten/Bruce/ Fat-Fat sleeping for 5hrs at night
7) Tallen telling me he loved me "A big-big one!"
8) The Momma song that Josh & the boys made for me. (also to follow soon as soon as I can figure out how to upload it.)
9) Filling out my timecard (cause it means I am going to have a little extra cash this month)
10) Having an opportunity to take a test, which I missed. My teacher is amazing! :)

YAY!!! For amazing weeks filled with love, laughter and hope for a great one this week!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Domestic Goddess... Yes Please!

I am loving my some "Stay-At-Home Mommy" fun!!! Yes Siree... With the help of my next door neighbor Mary, alot of You-Tube tutorials (you can laugh its okay... i did) and some super cute craft blogs i found as a reference guide, I have officially learned how to sew... and i can do more than just a square now. I feel like I am the "awesomist" as Cohen likes to call me. I think I may have found the inner domestic goddess in me after-all. I have conquered carseat covers! I think my next project will be making fun hair accessories & broaches out of wool. I have seen a few here and there at cute little boutiques and have always loved them. So why not try and replicate?

PS~ If you know of anyone who is if having a baby and may want a custom carseat cover let me know. I am going to be selling custom made ones for $30. These are the kinds with the tabs (with velcro), soft warm inside fabric and lots of extras for the "cute" factor. They make a great baby shower gift too. :)

Friday, October 8, 2010

Weekly Reflections

Aaron Winning
Rec. Center Kickball Team
(ps~ i didnot play but Josh did)
As you may know I am one of the most eclectic people... no comments needed on this one. I love so many different and wonderful things, including my friends! I have my friends that I have basically known my whole life who are more like family at this point in my life. Then I  have my family that do double duty and serve as my friends also. Finally I have my new friends... these are some of my favorites! Josh and I moved here in December of 2008. I started working at St. George City in Feb. 2009. I not only have an awesome job (one that I am having to take a hiatus from right now.. sad) but the people that I work with are AWESOME!!! This past week one of my most dear friends WON the St. George Marathon that one of my other very dearest friends coordinates. I spent all morning (well basically from Thursday to Saturday) getting ready for the Finish Line. Aaron (my friend that won) is an amazing runner. He used to run for University of Michigan in college. He runs like a 5min mile. He is soooo good. So when he decided that he was going to run the marathon we all got super excited. Then as the months dragged on and he continued to train for this amazingly crazy race we all started to get a little nervous. This guy doesn't lose. He actually tells people he won't run a race if he doesn't think he has a good chance of winning. So as the days began to get closer and closer I got ancier and ancier. So the morning came and here I was waiting at the finish line with the entire Recreation & Marathon staff. I was surrounded by my most amazing hubby (yay!) and all of my work friends.
Rec Center staff hard at work
When Aaron crossed the finish line I looked around and just took a deep breath. I realized just how lucky I was that I could consider all of these people my friends and I was able to experience such an awesome thing with these people. It was a very overwhelming experience for me.

Today I had another moment where I just thought to myself "Wow! I am such a lucky girl!" I have a very dear friend who I get the pleasure of living right next to. (I hope this doesn't embarass you...) I randomly drop in an hang out with my next door neighbor friend all the time. I just love our conversations. We have babies that are very close in age and they all love to play with their "friends". I love to call myself a crafty lady but the truth is I am really not. I try so hard to be crafty but I really am jsut learning. I have been even contemplating starting a craft blog (which I follow religiously) for beginners such as myslef. Anyway so my friend knows my secret... I can only really sew a square. I am really good at squares but that is about it. So when I was asked to make a cute girly carseat cover I figured that I would be fine. Then I got this cute fancy fabric and ribbon and buttons and it became a little bit more intricate... and a little out of my league. So off to my Mary's house I went. "Help!!!" She is the most amazing little mommy... she does all these cute little things with her 5 BOYS! I can barely manage 3... haha. She totally helped me figure out how to do this super cute little girls carseat cover. I am totally gonna mimick it tonight and do one for Ashten. But as I sat there just hanging out I thought to myself that I really am such a lucky girl. I have the most supportive
hubby ever! I have an amazing family that is soooo uplifting! I have these 3 beautiful baby boys who just amaze me everyday at how smart & creative they are. And on top of all of that I have some off the best friends in the whole world!
 I am truly blessed! 

So as I reflect on the last week, I am not focusing on the negative things (being sick or having to drop 2 classes & forfeit my Fin. Aid for next semester) but I am focusing on the positive things in my life... God, Family, Friends & the Love I Have For All 3!!! 

PS~ Ashten started to SMILE!!! YAYAYAY!